With this game I just have to specialize in one kind of arms. (favorite subject of Melee vs Unarmed chats, them Legendary Deathclaw gauntlets). The average player will have a massive aresenal of melee weapons before they luck into, or google up where to find a Deathclaw gauntlet.

Unarmed can be super cool, but it is less "convenient" than blindly deciding on Melee. Such as a double barrel shotgun, or a laser musket (holy **** I'm glad I gave the laser musket a second chance). But weapons that count as a "rifle" have many more options that you can pick up whatever is availible and get by on their default statistics (give or take some upgrades). If I were to specialize, I'm sure pistols or automatics would be awesome too. Originally posted by I'm Helping!:I like rifles for the accesibility in a blind, more aimless wandering than plot playthrough.