MetaPhish has been created to provide a powerful defence against these threats and enables organisations to find out just how susceptible their company is to attack. Phishing is the number one cause of all cyber attacks and continues to prove one of the easiest ways to steal valuable data and deliver malware. Question the validity of any email that asks you to submit personal or financial information.Install a Firewall to prevent unauthorised access to your network.

Use strong passwords to reduce the chance of devices being hacked and use different passwords for different accounts.Install the latest anti-virus software solutions on all your devices.Hover your mouse over the links contained in emails to check if they are legitimate– don’t click unless you are sure they are safe.Ensure that all applications and operating systems are up to date.Never click on links or download attachments from unknown sources.To stay safe, there are a number of simple ways you can protect yourself from such attacks: Educating yourself, your staff, and your end users about phishing can significantly minimise your risk. With 90% of all data breaches caused by phishing and 3.4 billion fake emails sent every day, users must remain cautious and vigilant. With this access, hackers can then monitor online behaviours, access confidential information, format computer drives, distribute viruses, delete or alter files and even watch the victims via their webcams to use for blackmail or ransom.

If this is the case, it stops running on the victim’s computer. Before the script continues its operations, it checks to see if an anti-virus is installed on the system. When the user inputs the correct password to access the spoof document, the macro executes a command to install the remote access trojan, giving the cybercriminals free rein to the victim’s machine. RATs can be difficult to detect because they often do not appear in the list of the programs running on the device and nor do they affect your device’s performance. Once installed, the trojan then works quietly in the background to steal sensitive data, install a backdoor or take other harmful actions. Such trojans are often concealed as an anti-virus program, tricking the user into installing it onto their device.