This is ostensibly a problem for the critic.

If this sounded like too egregious a problem to let stand, well…perhaps by the time you are reading this review it'll have already been remedied, and all that lavish metaphor up above will be null and void. And so suddenly there are new concerns overlayed across the game’s fictional matters of stealth and subterfuge: Where do I have to click on something to actually click it now? And how long must I compensate for this new discrepancy, until it changes again? The interface will throw these switch-ups at you at inopportune times: when you’re trying to duck one of your commandos just out of a Nazi’s sight, or fumbling to have them pick up a ticking time bomb. But mouse over to anything on the periphery, and the capricious pointer comes back on a different side and some new distance apart from the anchoring one.